About the owner:
I am a pilot, a Captain with a major airline
and have traveled all over the world. In all of
my travels I have found the beaches of southern
Mississippi to be some of the best and the
beaches of the offshore islands are simply
beautiful. The southern hospitality in this town
is wonderful. My daughter in the picture loves
it here in Gulfport.
Why the Owner Chose
We like this area for the beaches and the
offshore islands. You can't beat the proximity
to the beaches, the golf courses, the casinos
and the nearby military bases.
The Unique Benefits
at this House:
We like to walk the beach in the morning right
at sunrise and again in the evening at sunset.
We also enjoy walking to the nearby piers and
fishing in the Gulf of Mexico. We enjoy walking
out our front door and crossing the street into
the parking lot of the local Italian restaurant
'Salute' and feasting on great Italian fare and
good Italian wine. |